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2008-06-20 17:44:57|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Erik Kernan:Is Teddy awake?
Joyce:He says he's not felling well...
      and,uh,he doesn't want to go to schoole tomorrow.
      Can i speak with him?Could i come in?I need to talk to him.
 Joyce: Yeah.
 Erik Kernan:Hey,buddy.Hey,man.
   Are the kids in your class giving you a hard time?
   Everybody says you made it up about Champ.
I made some mistakes,Teddy.
I made a lot of mistakes.
But did you make it up?
The truth is...
I wrote what Champ told me.
I believed him.
But i shouldn't have.I...
I was more interested in writing what i wanted the story to be...
than what it actually was.
You know?.The truth.
I burned you,buddy.I'm sorry.
It's okay.
Not about all this...
but,in general...
are you pretty proud of me?
Real proud.
And would you be proud of me...
even if i didn't have,like,a lot of celebrity friends and stuff?
Like,if i wasn't a big shot?
Well,not as much,but pretty close.
Teddy,i told you a lot of things that weren't true.
Like being friends with John Elway and stuff?
What about playing golf with Muhammad Ali?
I covered a celebrity golf tournament,and he was playing in it.
But,Dad,i told everybody you were friends with John Elway.
Does that mean i'm a liar too?
No, it doesn't.
It means that you trusted me...
and you told everybody what i told you.
Andy you should be able to trust your dad.
So i'm sorry.
I think i should go to sleep now.
Come here.Give me a hug.
You're such a good kid.

Tommy kincaid...
California Golden Gloves Champion!

A writer,like a boxer...
must atand alone.
Having your words published,like entering a ring...
puts your talent on display.
And there's nowhere to hide.
I never intended to write a story about myself...or my son.Or about love.
Or the lies that can sometimes come from love.We live in the fear.
I will tell you this about the man i called Champ...whom everybody called Champ.
He was, against all reason,my friend.
And he was also a liar.
But was that because he was trying to make himself...better than who he was?
Or was it because the one force more powerful...than a son wanting the admiration of his father...is the father wanting the admiration of his son?
Sometimes we need the help of our imagination to achieve that status.
For it is no easy task being the strongest,wisest...most beloved man in all the land.And wow!
Tonight,the Raging Bull..And what is sadder...than that moment when our children discover...that we are not the illusory supermen we've created...but rather,as Herman Melville once wrote,"men drained of valor"?
...is there more news of Tommy Kincail.
Erik.The lies that come form love can devastate...as much as thoes that come from malice.
What do you think about guys like..Champ's legacy, I suppose...is the inspiration for truth.
And the beauty that can emerge from it.
I'll tell you how to make a real strong muscles.
You get your thumb,you roll up your sleeves...and you blow...
A beauty that lets our children admire us unconditionally.
In fact,he may habe...Love us unconditionally...as i love my son mucho grande.But...he had a pure  heart.
This wonderful ability to...

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